The universe is ever expanding and so are YOU

The universe is ever expanding - And so are you !

Whenever you feel stuck and sick of your life, because all feels the same…

Do something DIFFERENT !

Do something NEW !

Try a new fruit

Go to a yoga class

Take a trip

Wake up at a different hour than you usually do and take a walk

Move your body

Wear something you never had before

Wash your bedsheets

Do something new 

Be something new 


Allow yourself to expand

Expand your universe !!!


Read a new book

Let yourself be inspired by it


See yourself as a little child for a moment and ask yourself this question: ,,What would I like to do?” 

Perceive it without judgment.

And then just do it

Even if it is only for a few minutes, and you dance to a fun song.

Do more of it

More of these moments

More new choices

This is how you create your life with refreshed energy and a new perspective.

Dare to choice new !


There is so much more and you are just getting started.

And if you wish to be supported to turn your life upside down, spin it around, maybe even throw everything out and finally live your life the way you truly desire; a life that fulfills you – Then feel free to contact me, and I am there to support you.

Creating your life NEW !

New Choices – New Me – New Life  

Much love to you !!!

Marieyella 🧡

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