Tools To Create Your Life

What energy will be the biggest contribution for me this year?

Ask yourself this question and just perceive of what is coming up for you.
What awareness of an energy did you get?
And then just let it in.

Let it fill you up and flow in every little corner of your life right now.
Let it contribute to you RIGHT NOW!

It is so beautiful when you allow yourself to receive 💞✨

Make a screenshot from this post, save this or write this question down, so you can ask yourself this question again.

❤️ See you, Marieyella



question tool number 2

Envision your life the way you truly want it to be like!

What‘s the energy that is coming up?
Let it become bigger and greater. Expand into this✨

This is where the magic happens 💓

You can do the hard things with ease, if you want to.

It is just a change of your point of view.🪄

You can say to yourself, „Yes, this is a hard thing for me to do. And whatever story my mind tries to tell me to not do it or that I cannot do it, I will do it nevertheless.

part number 3

And on top of it, I let it be with ease and choose a little bit more joy today.
I might be still hard, but at least it can be fun.“

Hah…. How about you?

A little bit of change in that inner self-talk might be kind of miraculous.

But no, wait… you don’t want it to be any different? Ehhh… then you might skip that here. 😄

It can be really joyful and satisfying to have a little bit of joy along the way. 👏🏻

body quote yoga

The body is a masterpiece.
And if we take care of that masterpiece, we have longevity of life.

Travis Eliot


Thank you BODY ❤️

Maybe a time to thank you body. And to take some time today to show your body that you care.

What does your body require?

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